San Jacinto Baptist Association
San Jacinto Baptist Association is churches networking to transform lives, communities, and the world with the love of Jesus Christ through encouragement, education, and resources, all to the glory of God.
Taxes and Churches
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Seminar Leader—Randy Reid, C.P.A.
Churches need to know how to correctly report payroll taxes / honorariums, 1099s, etc.
Do you know how to properly handle donations?
Are you sure you are reporting correctly?
This meeting is open to ministers, financial ministry assistants, finance committees, and anyone else responsible for the church finances. Your church and ministers need to be represented at this meeting.
Register online HERE or call our office to register at 281.422.3604 or send your name, phone number, and church you attend to with Tax Seminar for Churches in the subject line.