Tomahawk’s Tribe

Become a member of Tomahawk’s Tribe

Tomahawk’s Tribe was started in 1995 to accelerate the development of Lake Tomahawk. The concept was to enlist a core group of Lake Tomahawk supporters who would commit to give $10 or more per month over their tithes and offerings to camp development. As a supporter, you can make a difference in the lives of those who attend Lake Tomahawk Christian Retreat Center.

In the last 15 years, God has blessed the development of Lake Tomahawk through Tomahawk’s Tribe. While we have added to the Tribe during this team, we have also lost many faithful members for various reasons. If you are interested in joining Tomahawk’s Tribe, print the brochure below which includes an application form. Send the form with your donation to San Jacinto Baptist Association.

Tomahawk’s Tribe Brochure

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Text “SJBALT LT” to 73256