Block Party Event Trailer (BPET) Team Training
June 2, 2018
9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m.
SJBA Mission Center, 1020 Birdsong Dr., Baytown
Use this opportunity to train Block Party Team in your church. If your church has a BPET Coordinator, consider training a team to assist your current coordinator.
RSVP to 281.422.3604 if someone is coming from your church so adequate preparation can be made for this training. The BPET can only be checked out by churches with trained BPET Teams.
Or, register online at
Block Party Event Trailer (BPET)
Evangelism Tool for Every SJBA Church
What does a member church need to do to use the block party trailer?
- Each church must choose a BPET Church Coordinator(s).
- Each BPET Church Coordinator(s) is REQUIRED to attend training BEFORE the BPET can be checked out!
- Contact the SJBA office at 281.422.3604 or to reserve a date.
- Submit the check-out form, deposit, and usage fee. BPET Check-Out Form or use the electronic form on this page.
What can it be used for?
- The block party trailer can be used for evangelism and outreach.
- It is available for use by every SJBA church
Is there a charge to use?
- There is a $100 charge to use the block party trailer to replenish supplies in the trailer.
- There is a $100 deposit which will be refunded once the trailer is inspected upon return.
- Yes, each church must provide Certificate of Liability Insurance (form can be obtained from insurance company) on the BPET from date of pickup through date of return and San Jacinto Baptist Association named as the certificate holder.
Block Party Event Trailer Manual 05.09.18 Please read to be fully informed of the BPET operation.
The forms and checklists below are part of the BPET Manual. They are listed here for your convenience.
Block Party Event Trailer Check-Out Form To confirm the reservation, this form must be submitted to the SJBA office. You may also use the electronic form below.
Block Party Trailer Event Sponsor Shopping List Items the event sponsor church will need to purchase.
Block Party Event Trailer Checklist Checklist to be sure all BPET contents are returned to the trailer.
Block Party Trailer Evaluation Form Must be completed before deposit check can be returned.
Block Party Event Trailer Check-Out Form
Submitting this form is based upon availability of the Block Party Event Trailer (BPET).